13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering and 6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology

The sessions are organized by partners with focus on

AI in process modelling, design and operation
organized by KEEN Project and ProcessNet Subject Division Process and Plant Engineering

BioBall - Utilizing Residual Materials in the Metropolitan Area: Closing the Loop
organized by BioBall - Bioeconomy in the metropolitan area (Christina Andreeßen, Jochen Michels, DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt am Main/D; Dorit Lehr, Thomas Bayer, Provadis Hochschule, Frankfurt am Main/D)

CAPE Identity Workshop
organized by EFCE Working Party Computer Aided Process Engineering

Data Science Approaches in QbD for Pharma 4.0 Solutions*
organized by EFCE Working party on Quality by Design

Examples & Showstoppers to implement QbD*
organized by EFCE Working party on Quality by Design

Electro-biotechnological processes
organized by DECHEMA Working Party Electrobiotechnology

Foam formation and management in thermal separations
organized by Project cluster on the topic „Foams in process engineering plants“

Future Directions in Product Design and Engineering*
organized by Erlangen Collaborative Research Centre 1411 on „Design of Particulate Products“ and EFCE Section on „Product Design and Engineering“

Immersive Learning and Training for Chemical Engineering
organized by CHARMING project

Multidimensional particle properties – characterization and processing technology
organized by DFG SPP 2045

Process Intensification* (submissions under topic 2.1 Chemical & Bioprocesses)
organized by the EFCE Working Party on Process Intensification

Processes and Fundamentals of Reactive Multphase Flows*
jointly organized by EFCE Working Party „Multiphase Fluid Flow“, ProcessNet Subject Division „Multiphase Flows“ and InPROMPT

Solutions for the power generation, storage and energy supply of the future
organized by Prof. Eberhard Schlücker, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg/D and Prof. Marco Mazzotti, ETH Zürich/CH

SPP2170  "InterZell"
organized by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, University of Stuttgart/D

Sustainable and healthier food production
organized by DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e.V., Quakenbrück/D

Sustainable processing - from innovation to commercialization
organized by EIT Food. Leuven/B

Symposium on Energy and chemical engineering* (submissions under topic 3.2 Energy)
organized by EFCE Secton on Energy

What else to expect...

kjVIkVI Youth ProgrammekjVI
organized by kjVI – kreative junge Verfahrens-Ingenieure, VDI-GVC, Düsseldorf/D

Student Competition "ChemCar"
organized by kjVI – kreative junge Verfahrens-Ingenieure, VDI-GVC, Düsseldorf/D

Science Slam "Engineering the future"
organized by Ingeborg Heuschkel and Florence Schempp, BASFE SE, Ludwigshafen am Rhein


*possibility to submit your abstract via call for papers.

Your satellite session during ECCE/ECAB 2021.
Do you like to plan a satellitte event (session, workshop etc) for ECCE/ECAB 2021 as well? Please get in contact with Matthias Neumann or Silke Rumpf-Kwasniok.


Organiser and Contact


Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25
60486 Frankfurt am Main

13th European Congress of Chemical Engineering

Matthias Neumann
+49 69 7564-254

6th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology

Petra Hellwig
+49 69 7564-167

Silke Rumpf-Kwasniok
+49 69 7564-280


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